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samedi 21 novembre 2009

A raisin in the sun

Sanaa Lathan, Bill Nunn, Morgan Freeman, Phylicia Rashad, Sean Patrick Thomas
De : Kenny Leon 2008 téléfilm

Chicago, la famille Youngers est une famille noire issue de la classe ouvrière acculée par les difficultés financières et les préjudices raciaux. Après le dédés du chef de famille, leur vie va être bouleversée lorsque l'assurance vie de Mr. Youngers leur est versée. En effet, chaque membre de la famille a une idée très précise de ce qu'il compte faire de ce petit pactole.

1961, version avec Sydney Poitié

The story focuses on the Youngers, an African American family living on Chicago's South Side. They're anticipating a life insurance check for Lena's husband's death in the amount of $10,000, and each of them has an idea as to what he or she would like to do with this money. Matriarch Lena wants to buy a house to fulfill the dream she shared with her deceased husband. Walter Lee would rather use the money to invest in a liquor store, believing the income would put an end to the family’s financial woes. His wife Ruth, wanting to provide more space and better opportunities for their son Travis, agrees with Lena. Beneatha would like to use the money to pay her medical school tuition.

Lena spends $3,500 for down payment on a house in Clybourne Park, and after being agitated many times by Walter, gives him the remaining $6,500 and tells him to save $3,000 of it for Beneatha's medical school and take the remaining $3,500 for his own investments.

Ruth discovers she is pregnant and, fearing another child will add to the financial pressures, considers having an abortion, a suggestion to which Walter voices no objection, but Lena is strongly against, saying "I thought we gave children life, not take it away from them". Lena puts a down payment on a house in Clybourne Park, an entirely white section of the city. When their future neighbors find out the Youngers are moving in, they send Karl Lindner from the Clybourne Park Improvement Association to offer the Youngers money in return for staying away, but they refuse the deal. Meanwhile, Walter has lost the balance of the insurance payment to his friend Willy Harris, who "took the cash to invest in the liquor store" but in reality made off with the money. It turns out that Walter did not even put the $3,000 for Beneatha's schooling in the bank.

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